招聘 Managers, 部门的椅子 & 董事

招聘 Managers are defined as any MPP employee who has staff, MPP or faculty employees 向他们汇报工作. 部门的椅子 & 董事 are defined as any Unit 3 employee who oversees an academic department or school and has staff or faculty employees reporting 对他们来说. 部门的椅子 & 董事 are considered 招聘 Managers for the purpose CHRS招聘.


  • Individuals in these positions will be automatically granted access to do the following tasks in the 空空的招聘 system:
    • Create Job Cards (initiate recruitments)
    • Manage/Move Applications through the Process (when listed as the 招聘 Manager for 的位置)
    • Screen Applications and Evaluate Interviews (when listed as the 招聘 Manager for the position or as a chair/member of a search committee)


  • 要求:无
  • 电子邮件 to request 1x1 training if needed


  • User Guides, Job Aids, and Videos, as well as other supporting documentation, can 可以在 帮助 页面
  • 电子邮件 for additional help or visit an 开放实验室